"The first time I saw Gail was during a professional psychic reading I had. I heard so many good things about her from a friend that I had to experience it for myself. I went to the reading with a bit of healthy scepticism, since I had one pyschic reading from another psychic a year prior to that, and quite honestly, I wasn't sure how much the previous psychic was guessing and how much she saw. It was vague. It could have been either way. So I went to Gail's reading with scepticism, as I said. Well, that lasted for about three minutes. Gail started describing my family (siblings, parents) and also some messy legal stuff that was about to happen, which unfolded exactly as she said it would about six months later. Gail also described my house to me in detail, right down to the water problems we had. She physically described the house as if she was walking through it. I knew then that there was no way she could have guessed at the accuracy of what she saw! She blew me away! That was five years ago.
Now I have at least one psychic reading annually with Gail. We do it around my birthday. It is sort of like a psychic checklist. Sometimes I need advice or I need a clear, true perspective of situations at work, or if I am going to make a big decision that could have a big impact on my and my family's lives. She really helps me see my options clearly as well as the potential consequences. She has saved my rear many times! Gail Petronio has a gift that I am sure not many psychics have. I know that I cannot do her justice by merely describing her talents. She is absolutely someone you must experience for yourself. Go for it! You won't regret it."
Huntington, New York
Do You Have a Testimonial You'd Like to Share? If so, please email your testimonial to: Gail@PsychicallySpeaking.com
© 2001-2015 Gail Petronio
"Once again, I am completely blown away with the accuracy in which Gail can see... without even being in the same room... or state, for that matter. I call Gail when I have to make an important business decision, and she has, time and again, seen with great accuracy, situations that were not even on my radar! She has saved me many times from potentially difficult outcomes.
I urge anyone reading this testimonial to call Gail Petronio for a psychic reading over the telephone. You will not be disappointed!"
SH - Lakes Region, New Hampshire
"I have known Gail for many years. I sought her advice/insight on a regular basis while I was living in New York. My friend and I originally went to see her during the February doldrums that hit after the holidays, before spring finally arrives. February is also my birth month, so it became an annual routine to consult Gail. I also saw her during times of crisis, or when a major decision was about to be made. Gail always astounded me with her ability to "see" what might happen in the near or distant future, and very often she was right on target. She helped me clarify many situations, enabling me to make decisions. Gail has proven herself time after time, and I heartily recommend her services to everyone."
Oro Valley, Arizona
"Dear Gail,
I just listened to the tape this evening and I wanted to tell you how fabulous the reading was. You are very good at what you do and you show so much heart in your reading. I was touched by how much you cared and wanted to answer my questions as fully as possible. I appreciate that so much. Thank you again for doing your job so well! I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon.
All the best and with genuine sincerity,"
Port Ewen, New York
"Gail Petronio is the most amazing psychic I've ever come across. She can accurately describe in detail events, people, places, and things that are going to happen, simply by listening to the vibration of my voice. Since I live many miles from Gail, we do telephone readings. You would never know it, though. It is as if she was sitting at my kitchen table, visiting with the people she sees in my life. I must admit, I have grown to depend on Gail's good sight to help me through some tough spots in my life. She is not at all wreckless, but is very caring and responsible in her readings. I highly recommend Gail Petronio as a psychic. She is remarkable!"
Tuftonboro, New Hampshire
"When a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go see a physic with her, I was immediately a little scared and very hesitant. I told my friend that I was a Christian and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do things like that. Even though I was extremely hesitant I went anyway. Since that initial visit in October,1998, I have been going at least once a year for the last seven years. Gail is a very spiritual person and is very easy to talk to. Gail predicted awards and advances that I received where I work. She also predicted changes to clients, where I work. She also predicted how many years I have left at my current job (which I'm still counting). Gail gave me information about my deceased brother and was able to describe his fiance with incredible accuracy. She is able to describe the personality of anyone I bring up. Gail has made predictions about my children by looking at pictures. Some of them have happened, others I'm waiting to see about. I don't live my life looking for the predictions to happen. I go back to the notes I have taken from the tapes I have recorded and then realize how many things have come true. It's really amazing; Gail has an incredible gift. When I have a reading with Gail, she talks about the people in my life; my friends, family members, and co-workers, as if she knows them intimately. She knows all of their nuances to the most minute detail. As a matter of fact, before Gail even met me, she accurately described me to my friend! Over the years, Gail has become a friend and confidant. If you've ever thought about seeing a psychic, go see Gail. Have a few questions or areas in mind beforehand and Gail will focus on these things...and then see where your reading takes you. You won't be disappointed."
Walkill, New York